By perfect positioning, accurate placement of the skin incision and meticulous care with soft tissues, Mr Nakhla achieves excellent exposure through tiny incisions, usually under 7cm. This reduces, bleeding, healing time & wound complications.
Minimally invasive surgery is a cornerstone in Mr Nakhla’s approach to enhanced recovery. Having said that Mr Nakhla adapts the incision for each patient. Excellent exposure and safety is paramount and he extends his incision whenever need to achieve excellent positioning of implants.
Many surgeons are exploring the anterior approach to the hip with the alleged benefit of smaller incision and enhanced recovery. In Mr Nakhla’s experience, the mini-posterior approach is smaller and safer with no need for traction or xrays use. Furthermore, the mini-posterior approach is extendible when needed in contrast to the anterior approach. Many of Mr Nakhla’s patients stay in hospital for under 24 hours having a total hip replacement through a mini posterior approach.
To see how Mr Nakhla’s patients do following surgery follow
Coming soon: full videos of hip replacement through a mini-posterior approach. Using state of the art technology, you will be able to watch the surgery using virtual reality glasses
Using innovative minimally invasive surgery and enhanced recovery techniques, we managed to get this gentleman walking independently just 1.5 hrs after a total hip replacement.